Welcome to my website.
music i like:
- Depeche Mode
- Radiohead
- Duran Duran
- Tears for Fears
- Simple Minds
how do people have enough information about them to create a whole about me page. ok
i am from new zealand. i am still here. i am feeling depressed at the moment. as a result i have no hobbies, but that might change and if it does ill be sure to update this page.
be sure to give jonny greenwood (on the homepage) a like so thom will let him play idioteque slower, thanks
enough about me, though. what about the purpose of this website? the history of it?
well, i go through layout changes more often than i change my underwear. hopefully this layout will stick.
i started creating websites in 2018, on a second gen ipad and a bluetooth keyboard with a simple IDE i downloaded off of the app store. they were pretty shitty websites, and were just about my cat or something of the like. i didnt discover neocities until around 2021. i found a neocities link in a tiktok friends bio and thought the idea of creating a neocities site was exciting and exhilarating. i created one right away and started experimenting.
i was going through heavy existential depression back then and felt so lonely and like life wasnt worth living. in a nutshell negative nihilistic thought worms had burrowed their way into my brain and refused to leave.
my site served the purpose of being a safe space in which i could vent but more importantly a terran time capsule intended to be shot into space before i died. it would contain all of my thoughts and feelings, imortalising me digitally (unfortunately i have now learnt that that is unrealistic as not only is there no such thing as "forever", but the lifespan of a digital harddrive wouldnt last 30 years even in the best hands)
in my mind, this site still serves that purpose. maybe ill transcribe this entire site onto a gold plated copper vinyl (i guess in this case it's not a vinyl) similar to the golden record. that will last billions of years hopefully. apparently it cost 18,000 dollars. that doesnt seem like too big of a price to pay, although that isnt accounting for inflation unfortunately so its probably a much more hefty price nowadays.
with it i'll launch a play station 2, a gamecube simpsons hit & run disk (the aliens who discover this capsule will have to use their imaginations to envision the gameplay), a bag of salt and vinegar bluebird chips (my favourite chips), the entirety of futurama on bluray (fortunately this time ill give them a player so they too can experience the joy felt when watching futurama), every radiohead vinyl, and the hitchikers guide to the galaxy trilogy of 5.
enough with this dastardly boring website history and pseudo philosphical blab, back to egosim and gasconade about ME!
my favourite colour changes. although if i was a colour i would be a disgusting swamp green
i am born on the 31st of may 2007. to the aliens reading this, 2007 refers to how many years have elapsed since the myth of jesus (pronounced with a hard G). at the time of writing this i am 17 years old which means the earth has made 17 trips around the sun.
i do not have my license and i tell myself it's because i have a fear of cars when in reality i just cant be bothered learning and sitting the test.
my favourite number is 2
i really like mr radiohead, he is a big inspiration to me (note to alien: please refer to vinyls titled "Radiohead" to learn more.)
i get paid on wednesdays
this isnt about me but about spotify: their shuffle sucks. this is the 5th time today ive heard The Promise by When in Rome in a playlist of 400 songs.
according to a deadly seven sins quiz my worst contender is gluttony with a whopping 31%. Guess i'll see you guys in the 3rd circle of hell.